Model A Ford Club of Great Britain
Model A Ford Club of Great Britain

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QUAIL ARCHIVE INDEX                   





To obtain a digital copy, email a request to the club archivist at  giving details and reference number (yyyy-mm-pp)
Should you require a whole edition/s please discuss your requirements and costs with the club archivist.

5) Trials 

details           yyyy-mm--pp
Welsh Trial. 1990-12-4 to 6
Wessex Trial & Derbyshire Trial. 1991-15-6
VSCC Derbyshire Trial.   1992-6-4
VSCC Welsh Trial 10th October.  1992-12-4
Land’s End Trial 1992.  1993-2-24
VSCC Derbyshire Trial March 1993.  1993-6-4
VSCC Derbyshire Trial.   1994-2-4
Land’s End to John O’Groats Rally.  1994-8-4 & 18
VSCC Welsh Trial.  1994-12-22
VSCC Welsh Trial.  1995-12-23
The Alpine Trial 1929.  1996-6-17 to 20
VSCC Welsh Trial 1996.   1996-12-17 & 18
VSCC Hertfordshire Trial. 1998-4-14 & 16
VSCC Derbyshire Trial.  1998-6-21
VSCC Welsh Weekend Trial. 1998-12-13
Land’s End to John O’Groats Trial.  1998-10-12
VSCC John Harris Trial Derbys. 1999-4-23
VSCC Herefordshire Trial.  1999-6-14 to 17
Welsh Trial Bouncers View. 1999-12-13
VSCC Derbyshire Trial.  2000-4-24
The VSCC Welsh Trial 2000. 2000-12-24
VSCC Eligibility of Model A Fords.  2001-2-19
VSCC Welsh Rally Oct 13&14th.  2001-12-9
The John Harris Trial 9 March.  2002-4-20

Welsh Trial Oct 2003.  2004-2-23
Welsh Trial Oct 2004.  2004-12-12,13
VSCC Derbyshire Trial.  2005-4-15
Wild Wales Ramble. 2007-8-15-18
Welsh Trial Presteigne.  2007-12-9to12
VSCC Trials Report.  2008-4-16&17
The Lakeland Trial 2008.  2009-2-12
The Cotswold Trial Nov.22nd.  2009-2-14&15
The Scottish Trial 4th April.  2009-6-12
The Welsh Trial Oct 2009.  2009-10-11&13
Cotswold Trial 2008.   2010-2-8
Lakeland Trial 2009.  2009-12-13
Derbyshire Trial.  2010-4-15
Scottish Trial  2010.   2010-7-14
The Welsh Trial  Oct. 9 & 10th.  2101-12-16
Hereford Trial. 2011-4-20
Exmoor Fringe Trial. 2012-4-16&17
Exmoor Trial 2011.   2011-6-13
Welsh Trial 2011.  2011-12-11





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