Model A Ford Club of Great Britain
Model A Ford Club of Great Britain

The Club has a range of resources to help A owners, plus clothing and badges. Some highlights are below.


Fleece - £21.60 +Embroidered logo left chest- £4.80 =£26.40

Hoodie £19.20+ Embroidered logo left chest- £4.80= £24.00

Zip Hoodie £21.60+ Embroidered logo left chest- £4.80=£26.40

Rugby Shirt £24.00+ Embroidered logo left chest- £4.80=£28.80

Polo shirt £9.00+ Embroidered logo left chest- £4.80=£13.80

Beanie hat including logo - £9.60    Baseball cap including logo - £12.00

Other embroidery (eg. name, car, reg or similar) is available at extra cost

Delivery (items below 2kg) - £5.40   Delivery (items above 2kg) - £8.52

 (You can normally get 2 clothing items in 2kg)     All prices include V.A.T.

For contact details, colour and size charts please email The preferred order method is by email and payment method is card.

Please order stating item, colour and size to include MAFCGB logo and include your address and telephone number.  Contact mail 

THE BERT THOMAS MANUAL IS   NOW AVAILABLE   FREE OF CHARGE TO MEMBERS. Out of print for over decade this useful manual for the  Model A is available in pdf format, and  to MAFCGB members only, and is completely free of charge.  email

 "1928-1931Ford Assembly Plants and their Production of the Model A Ford Passenger Cars"  by Steve Plucker.  Extensively researched book detailing all the US and world wide production plants and figures.  

The Model A Ford Club of Great Britain has purchased a copy of this book and it is available on loan to members only. Free of charge -you just pay the postage. available from Mike Cobell, phone 01594 834321  email

Beginner's Guide to the Model A Ford

Everything a beginner needs to know on how to drive and maintain a Model A, from guru Les Pearson.  ...How to start it... what the levers are for...




...Plus body styles and year changes...lubrication...  checking the timing...brakes and clutch...90 pages, full colour, A4 spiral bound.


Price for MAFCGB members £37.00, non-members £44.00 (+postage  UK £6.00, Europe £15.00), available from Mike Cobell, phone 01594 834321  email  


 DVDs of Ford in the 1930 .Archive footage  from the National Motor Musum These DVDS are no longer available on DVD but can be be viewed on line 

HERE AND THERE AT TRAFFORD PARK-a promotional movie film showing inside the Ford works at Trafford Park Manchester-

and CALVACADE OF FORD DVD is an advertising film  from the 1930s and amongst other items  has clips of the ascent of Ben Nevis in the Model A -     



Reprinted and published  by the Model A Ford Club of Great Britain (from originals kindly loaned by Neil Tuckett) 

Super 24 page Colour Brochure from the original of 1928 showing the different models sold in the UK in 1928.. Member Cost £6.50 Non Member cost £7.50 UK Post £3.00 European Post £5.00

Model A instruction book  from Dagenham (facsimile of the 1931 edition) 50 pages covering the "A"and  "AF"

Member Cost £6.50 Non Member cost £7.50, UK Post £3.50 ,European Post £6.50

Model A Parts price list covering the "A", "AF" &  "AAF"  from Trafford Park Manchester (facsimile of the January 1930 edition)  88 pages of parts descriptions and drawings. Member Cost £10.50 Non Member cost £12.00 UK Post £3.50 European Post £6.50.

available from Mike Cobell, phone 01594 834321  email

Model A and AA instruction Book Right Hand Drive,   members  price £6.50 (+postage), non-members £7.50 [+ postage UK £3.25, Europe £6.50]

Model A Instruction  Right Hand Drive , members price £6.50 (+postage), non-members £7.50 (+postage  UK £3.25 Europe £6.50) 

available from Mike Cobell, phone 01594 834321  email

The Essential Buyer’s Guide to the Ford Model A. . Written by two acknowledged MAFCGB Ford Model A experts John BUckley and Mike Cobell, this guide helps you to decide what model you really want, and tells you exactly what to look for when viewing and comparing these classic cars. Expert advice on what common faults to look for, potential pit-falls and a valuable points-scoring evaluation system. This book also provides useful information about buying at auction, paperwork and the Ford Model A community. £12 non members £13. (+postage UK £4.25 Europe £7.00)   Available from Mike Cobell, tel 01594 834321 email


Ford Service Bulletins

Reprinted and published by the Model A Ford Club of Great Britain  (from originals kindly loaned by John Cochrane) Facsimile reprint of the bulletins sent to British Ford dealers in the 1920s and 1930s. These bulletins add another useful technical and historical resource for enthusiasts. The same tips that Ford workshops received at the time such as adjusting the steering box, balancing the brakes, toe in etc.

As well as the info for the standard 3.3 litre 24HP A and AA, it is also one of the very few original sources that deal with the RHD and smaller engined 14.9 HP.  Years available 1928,1929, 1930.   Price for members £8.50 each, non-members £10.00, (+postage UK £4.00, Europe £8.00), . Also available as CDat £4.50 each for members, non-members £5.50 each (+postage UK £3.25  Europe £4.50).  Available from Mike Cobell, tel 01594 834321 email


The Complete Model A Ford Restoration Manual 

This, from Les Pearson, deserves a place in every Model A enthusiast’s home.

It describes in technical detail all you want to know on the complete restoration of a Model A Ford (left or right hand drive).


Articles also include how to measure a bolt, (properly), thread tables, standard finish of parts etc. 


The book also covers basic body work, media blasting, Model A full engine reconditioning, shock absorber restoration, gearbox and diff restoration, body painting, aligning the body, purchasing upholstery kits, top bows, tops and side curtain installation, pin striping, etc etc. All covered with colour pictures and text.


In stock - The new revised and expanded edition with over 400pages  and  over 100 photos. Price for members £58  ,non members £67 ( +  postage UK £9.00 Europe£17.00) 

Order now from Mike Cobell, 01594 834321


The Right Hand Drive Ford Model A

This useful booklet by Les Pearson covers the many subtle differences between the LHD and RHD Model As, along with much other useful information.  Full colour. 41 pages. 


Price for members £18.50 + postage; for non-members, £22.00 (+postage. 

UK £4.00  Europe £7.00)

Available from Mike Cobell, 01594 834321 


Regalia for club members

Windscreen sticker -   £1.50  

Sew-on embroidered badge -    £5.50 

Grille badge - Black nickel plated £12.50 ,or Chrome plated

with blue Duranamel infill       £15.50

(Club badges/stickers etc  available to members only)

Badge bar clamp - Stainless steel -     members  £2.50

                                                         non-members £4.00


…All plus postage, from Mike Cobell, 01594 834321



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