IIf you would like to any events added to this page please email details to John Buckley. email johnandritabuckley@gmail.com Please email info in the same format as the adverts below... ie date, location , event details, contact details for more info.
Events in Bold are events being organised by members of MAFCGB
Events in Italics are Inter-Register events (IRC) THE INTER REGISTER is a club formed of other clubs (!) of which MAFCGB is a member. . All IRC Events are low key fun events and aimed particularly at vintage and pre 1963 cars They are usually simple navigational jaunts on public roads. All MAFCGB members are eligible to participate (indeed they are cordially welcome). Full details of the IRC can be found at www.inter-register.org.uk
Oct 6 Sunday. MAFCGB AGM , British Motor Museum,Gaydon. Warwickshire CV35 0BJ start 2.00pm . Entry for Club members is FREE if you have a copy of the Quail magazine with you, you are free to have a look around the museum at your leisure and is a great day out. We are also going to try out digital attendance for people who are unable to attend Gaydon in persson . See email from Mike Cobell dated 5.9.24 to all members for the ZOOM link details.
Oct 6 Surrey/Sussex Scatter rally IRC. info candjleigh@yahoo.com
Oct 19 Prescott, Gloucestershire,Bugatti OC Scatter Rally, IRC event thus MAFCGB members welcome For further information contact Bob Blackstock by e-mail blackstocks2000@aol.com to receive Regulations and Entry Forms.
Nov 8-10 NEC Classic Motor Show. See page 10 of August Quail for £4.00 discount code. Visit the MAFCGB stand. More deatils at https://www.necclassicmotorshow.com/
Nov 16 The James Campbell Memorial Nightjar Rally., starting in South Oxfordshire and finishing in West Berkshire. An IRC event and MAFCGB most welcome. An evening scatter rally. A number of clues have to be solved by visiting various locations using the Ordnace Survey maps. Any car can be used, modern cars are in one class and Vintage in another. Start at about 5pm and finish about 10pm with a hot meal. inforscottok@btinternet.com
Feb 23-28 New Zealand National Rally. see website www.modelafordclub.co.nz
May 19-24 Cheshire . MAFCGB Annual Tour. Based at the historic Crewe Hall Hotel . For more info see Quail August issue or email quailmag.editor@gmail.com