Model A Ford Club of Great Britain
Model A Ford Club of Great Britain


                                          CLUB TOUR 2019

MODEL A TOUR 2019 – Yorkshire Wolds

May 22nd I set off for Scotch Corner to meet David Knotts, Craig and David Simpson for a coffee and onwards to the Yorkshire Wolds tour organised by Kevin Benson & John Preston in yet another region I drive past on a regular basis but do not have time to stop and discover.  On the way down to Pocklington we dodged several enormous black clouds and thought out luck was in until a massive downpour a couple of miles short of Kilnwick Percy. Bing in a cabriolet my roof was up in a minute however Davis & Craig were rather wet by the time they got the roof up on the Phaeton leaving Davis untouched in hie Tudor!

We stayed at the Kilnwick Percy Resort & Golf Club in some fantastic chalets, excellent catering and not a bad course!The village dates from before 600BC and is described in the Doomsday Survey as “a league in length and bredth (a league is 3 miles). We met for dinner, were issued with our rout maps for the week using Tulip diagrams which were well explained with plenty of help for those not familiar with them.  As ever its great to catch up with members old and new over a beer and the odd glass of wine or two.

Day 1 saw us set off around some lovely country roads in clear blue skies with warm sun on our backs on our way to Drax power station.  The journey along the lanes in full May bloom and incredible shades of green as we headed through the hamlets and villages of the Wolds.  All was going well and then David Knotts had a slight problem (terminal for his dizzy) and got back to the hotel.  Help was on hand from Seymore & Eunice who had a spare Dizzy and they were back on the road in no time.  As ever there is help on hand and things are very rarely terminal especially when you can get new bits for 09.00 the next day and there is a wealth of experience and help to fit them for you.  We arrived at Drax albeit slightly late for some of us but we joined the tour and were treated to a superb presentation including a Q & A.  The staggering fact I took away is each turbine is powered by coal and biomass and urns 5 tonnes of biomass a minute and there are three turbines which equates to a huge volume to store and process on a daily basis.  The trains bringing in the biomass empty o the move at 0.75mpd allowing the bottom emptying carriages to drop on the go.  We left Drax after a full site tour including the coal storage area which is a perpetually moving mountain.  We moved onto the California garden centre for lunch, many of us bought some plants and had lunch in the café and a leasurely drive back to base.  I had a walk around the course and found a plaque to the Pilgrimage of Grace Heritage Trail following the footsteps of East Yorkshire great rebellion of 1536 and the part of Kilnwick Percy.
Day 2Yet another day with blue skies dawned and a quick walk through the rolling countryside before breakfast.  We trundled off in twos and threes me with a persistent backfire on overrun that has eluded me for too long with many solutions tried and failed including new gaskets and a full rebuild & jet clean!  We travelled through glorious sunshine down the fantastic lanes and through the undulating stunning countrysideof the East Riding of Yorkshire starting off looking for the letters in the posts Eunice an Seymore were the only ones to complete the puzzle .On the way we entered Lockington another East Yorkshire gem of a village with a lovely shallow Ford (or it was when it was recced ) it was slightly deeper by the time we visited but we all got through albeit with some wet floorboards for some!We arrived in the historic market town of Beverley the county town of the East Riding, originally known as Inderawuda and was founded around 700 AD by Saint John of Beverley during the time of the Anglian kingdom of Northumbria.
I have stayed in Beverly before but not had the opportunity to explore it for more than an evening meal.  We parked in the multi-storey that Kevin & John had organised a covered deck if it was raining and the top deck for a sunny day which we were duly honoured with.  Parking was reserved in prime location with the backdrop of the Minster
The Ministerreally is something special we had a fabulous tour taking in many areas including a trip up to the roof up the 113 steps to see the architecture including wooden trusses roof which was particularly interesting.  We also saw the human-powered treadwheel and the medieval wooden structure supporting the lead roof.  The wood was often grown to specific shapes to help in the complex nature of the roof, I always enjoy looking at the joiners names and dates on their work it’s a look back over many hundreds of years and I wonder if they ever thought it would last this long.

Beverley is a stunning town and we thoroughly enjoyed walking around, grabbing some lunch after a visit to the Guildhall which was a real gem of a place to visit.  It is still used for civic and ceremonial occasions, the Grade 1 listed building has been used since 1501 for this purpose with Hull architect Charles Mountain the Younger, was inspired by the Greek temple of Apollo at Delos.  The Guildhall also houses the Beverly community museum with a great history of shipbuilding in the area.  We left Beverley through the Stunning North Bar Gate built in 1409 on our way back to the hotel along the many winding roads through the Wolds .

I had suffered a long term back fire on over run and despite extensive investigations, new gaskets, advice caught and taken to no avail I’m heard before seen on many occasions.  David Knotts kindly leant me a spare carb he has to try to identify if it is the carb of the exhaust manifold, so if you have ever wondered if a 24HP works on a 14.9HP it did without an issue.  We appeared to have cured the issue although we were not sure if the additional fuel through larger jets was masking the problem however I was happy she ran like a dream again, time will tell.

Day 3
In around 2000 when Joycee was being restored I met Steve & Anne Watson amongst many other club members at the Yorkshire Air Museum based at Elvington airfield at a car show with my dad and had not been back since.  So day three was a real thrill to visit the historic airfield again only this time in my car and with other club members.  We set off on a cloudy but dry morning winding our way through country roads to arrive at the airfield and be dutifully through the gate and lined up opposite a Phantom jet.  We had a welcome meeting in the chapel which was a moving experience listening to the history of the field and understanding its function in the war and thereafter into the cold war for the development of its runway and an incredible Mirage IVA 45.  Exhibits include the awesome Dassault Mirage IVA, incredible Handley Page Halifax Mk III only matched in my opinion by a Lancaster Bomber.  On Steve Watsons tour of Lincolnshire we were treated to a Dakota flying over the airfield when we visited East Kirkby and were lucky enough to climb aboard one at Elvington.  This was a real thrill to sit and think about what your feelings would have been sat on the small seats waiting to jump!  As ever there are several Hurricanes & Spitfires and even a bouncing bomb and so many other exhibits an aircraft.The air museum is well worth a visit for the family and grandchildren especially this year with the VE day celebrations or even to the end f year air show in October,check out for more information.

The day improved and we visited the lovely Burnby Hall Gardens for afternoon tea and a lot of admiration of our cars from the many visitors on a fabulous sunny afternoon to finish off our tour.  We returned to the hotel for our last night and were presented with a photograph of the cars line up from the staff which had been admired by the many golfers each day and staff alike

As ever the host of the tour, this year Kevin and John, pulled out some fabulous trips and driving for us not least to Drax power station as this is a place you would never normally visit and to have an insight into the generation of the power we take for granted was a real insight.

The 2020 tour is being organised by David & Jennifer Simpson around North Yorkshire & County Durham.  I would really encourage you to come along, if your not sure about driving a longer distance than normal please contact David and someone in your area would always drive with you to make sure your ok and your journey is not any worry.  Again, if you live locally and do not want to stay in the hotel you’d be welcome to come along for one or more days and would be made to feel very welcome.  I am looking forward to this year’s tour the countryside is fabulous around the northern and Durham dales and I am sure as ever there will be a few surprises for us to enjoy and meeting friends old and new who share our wonderful hobby.

Attendees : Jim and Susan Boldry,1927 ,Phaeton SV5935

John and Diana Barrett 1931, Cabriolet FK5132
Kevin Benson and John Preston 1928,3 Window Coupe BF5483
Bob and Gill Collett 1930 5 window Coupe BF6146
John and Kate Condor 1930 Roadster SV9269
Jon Davidson 1931 Cabriolet BU6829
Andrew and Lyn Green 1930 Tudor SV4165
Sam and Charlie Gabb 1929 Phaeton SV4471
Seymore and Eunice Hickman 1928  Pickup DS8211
George and Maureen Jepson 1929 Tudor BF7950
David Knotts and Craig 1930 Phaeton SV9933
David and Jennifer Simpson 1929  Tudor WW9782
Steve Watson and Karen Guy 1929  Phaeton SV6118
Peter and Sarah Whale 1930Tudor EL1071


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