Model A Ford Club of Great Britain
Model A Ford Club of Great Britain

Everyone is welcome in the club- you don't have to own a Model A !


To join, contact our Membership Registrar  Mike Cobell  (email postal address Mike Cobell, Rushmere House, Staunton Road, Coleford, Royal Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire. GL16 8NS, or with credit card by telephone 01594 834 321   and join over the phone.

1st  December 2024 ....Subscriptions are £26.00  for UK members and £37.00 overseas (but if  an overeseas member elects to receive just an electronic copy of Quail their membership fee is  only £26)        You can upload a membership form ( which also includes a vehicle survey form) here .....

membership form 1st December 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [55.9 KB]

RH Insurance.  For all your vintage and classic  vehicle  insurance needs 0333 455 2613 or click this link...   RH Insurance ....for more info.




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Contact  Ian Harris 


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